Make a recurring gift to either OHI San Diego's Scholarship Fund or to wherever the need is greatest. If you and 15 other people make a $9.99 monthly recurring gift for one year, we can help OHI community members in need.
Your support is essential to helping our community members in need.
Your gift makes a difference!

Other Ways to Give
Your generous tax-deductible donation will be used immediately towards helping an OHI community member in need.
1. Phone. Call us at (888) 862-5507.
2. Mail. Send a check today:
OHI San Diego Donations
Attention: Donations Coordinator
6970 Central Avenue
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
3. On-Campus. If you are currently in our program, use the donation envelope in your guest room or at the Front Desk.
To learn more about supporting OHI’s Holistic Healing Missions, visit our Support OHI web page.
Thank you for supporting OHI’s mission of healing,

Reverend Robert P. Nees, Jr.
Senior Pastor and Chairman
Optimum Health Institute, San Diego and Austin
Optimum Health Institute is an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code. Your gift is tax-deductible and can be designated to the OHI San Diego
Scholarship Fund or where the need is greatest.